Is Microsoft Sending Out An Updated Services Agreement Or Is It A Scam
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I'm a young man Microsoft customer and expert user here to help.
I received information technology also this morning. It's legitimate.
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aforementioned question
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I'm a young man Microsoft customer and expert user here to aid.I received it also this morning. Information technology's legitimate.
And then at present what do we do? I find I'm not using skype, or cortana but exercise use windows 10 and become the weather via app so does this hateful if I do nothing, that I will exist charged in the future?
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I'm a fellow Microsoft customer and adept user here to help.I received it besides this morning. It's legitimate.
I would like to come across this confirmed by a confirmed Microsoft employee, not just customers. The provision of so many opportunities to "click" in that message makes information technology suspicious.
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Pitiful this didn't help.
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In the words of Cortana. "You can reject. But so no Microsoft" Kinda hate that I purchase a thing. But it owns my information and can sell it.
But, they are sure to offer you an ultimatum in a very pleasant manner. And the 3 days worth of reading the "agreements" will requite me something to focus on when I retire.
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I have the same problem. We don't use skype or cortano, although they are on our notebook. It is my understanding the employ of Windows 10 alone is not billable, simply we received the same email and don't empathize if any activity is required. Did you become aid?
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Not really-no answer from Microsoft
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I have the same problem. Nosotros don't use skype or cortano, although they are on our notebook. It is my agreement the apply of Windows 10 alone is not billable, but we received the same email and don't sympathise if any action is required. Did you get help?
How-do-you-do MaryAnn, I have heard nothing from Microsoft at all. I'm guessing time will tell. Cheers for writing and that you've received the same e-mail service. I would call up and so when Microsoft does it'southward updates that there would be a discover that way and non some strange east-mail.
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Hi Jeannie
Your post of seven-vii-19.
Update to Microsoft Service Understanding.
What is the senders e-mail address.?
Where did the e-mail land?
These are questions, yous must know, to determne, if you become an e-mail from Microsoft or a Scam.
Microsoft does send out emails like this, in one case or twice a yr.
If anyone does non know different email address of for Microsoft.
It is easy to be Fooled.
I did to get this email
I did get a Scam email about a calendar week agone about Microsoft
from: msa something microsoft
I sent that email to Microsoft.
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Is Microsoft Sending Out An Updated Services Agreement Or Is It A Scam,
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